Priority Axis 1 Promoting the Technology Transfer

Managing Authority for Regional Operational Program have published in the 21st of December 2017 the final version of the specific guidelines for Priority Axis 1 Promoting the Technology Transfer, Investment Priority 1.1, Operation C Investment for SME’s for implementing a result of research and innovation in partnership with a Technology Transfer Entity of the Regional […]


Centru Region on Eye@RIS3

RDA Centru had published the Smart Specialization priorities of the Centru Region JRC platform Eye@RIS3. The priorities can be accessed here.


Smart Specialization Strategy

The Smart Specialization Strategy of the Centru Region (RIS3) is a document designed at a regional level according to Guide for the elaboration of Smart Specialization Strategies and approved by the Regional Development Council with the decision no. 8 of March 18, 2015. Subsequently, following the operational process of Priority Axis 1 of the ROP […]
