Priority Axis 1 Promoting the Technology Transfer

Managing Authority for Regional Operational Program have published in the 21st of December 2017 the final version of the specific guidelines for Priority Axis 1 Promoting the Technology Transfer, Investment Priority 1.1, Operation C Investment for SME’s for implementing a result of research and innovation in partnership with a Technology Transfer Entity of the Regional Operational Program 2014 – 2020.

The eligible applicant must be an SME’s forming a partnership with one or more accredited Technology Transfer Entities. Companies have access to de minimis financing up to 200.000 euros for implementing innovative products or processes following smart specialization areas of excellence and the grants can cover, also, the costs of technology transfer services.

Project submission will be made using MySmis portal. For project preparation, the applicants will have approximatively one month following the publication of the guidelines so the project submission will start in the 25th of January 2018. Deadline for submission is set to the 25th of June 2018, 10.00 AM.

Specific guidelines and templates are accessible by accessing this link.