Analysis of regional disparities and urban development in Centru Region
The paper ”Analysis of regional disparities and urban development in Centru Region ” is aiming to provide a depth analysis of the Centru Region in terms of internal disparities, considering especially to contrast between urban and rural areas ten years after the EU accession. Also, the study is assessing the actual level of development for the cities in the Region, together with their potential considering the cities as vectors for regional competitiveness and economic growth.
Analysis of regional disparities and urban development in Centru Region
Labor force in Centru Region and the needs for development of the vocational and professional education and training system
Centru Region is fighting a relatively high unemployment not only during recessions but also during periods of economic growth. The reality is telling us that we are dealing with an important level of structural unemployment which is rooted inside the gap between the labor force and the market request (”skills gap”).
With the support of the statistical data for the last 10-15 years pertaining to occupation and professional education and by presenting the results of an quantitative and qualitative research, the paper is emphasizing the connection between Education and Occupation and the way this relationship had evolved since the year 2000.
Analysis of the connection between Education and Education
Regional Study on the Sustainable Development Potential for the Mures valley – Centru Region
The Mures River is crossing three out of six Counties in Centru Region (Alba, Mures, Harghita) thus being not only the most important river of the Region but also a connector for the communities on its shores and a potential vector for sustainable development.
The paper, financed under ROP 2007 – 2013, is filling a void in the Regional studies and is providing a better overlook on the integrated development of an extended area of the Region. The study is identifying the ecological issues affecting Mures River and delivers some sustainable solutions for these issues, considering also the needs for an upgraded protection against floods for communities living on its shores.
The socio-economic analysis is assessing the potential for development and identifies the opportunities for the counties crossed by the Mures River and the ways and the means to fully use these opportunities inside the 2014-2020 programing period.
Regional Study on the Sustainable Development Potential for the Mures valley